Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mess Up!

  It took me a while to write this post, because I did not know how to start. Some people said that teenage is the part of your life where you screw up and mess up everything. When you are done with putting it back together, then that's when you are matured and grown up. I am pretty sure I am still in that stage, whereby i screwed up almost everything that you can name of. For instance, relationship, friendship, studies and so on.

  I am still in searching for my own identity, discovering for the purpose of life, differentiating for the rights and wrongs or even defining the truth. In process of that, a lot of ups and downs are unavoidable. Coping with the ups and downs is another problem that have to breakthrough. Most importantly, being who you really are, sometimes is just a little too hard to do.

   I hope at the end of this stage, I would become a better person.
   Because right now, I am a total jerk!


I am sorry for that!

Putting too much feeling will ended up hurting myself.


  1. where's the DONT LIKE button? :D

  2. "Putting too much feeling will ended up hurting myself" ??
    I don't really think so. It is not necessary.
    Depend on how you define the word - hurt.

    But I do agree with "Being too serious in a relationship will make you suffer".

  3. lol. eesoon. sounds like u are a pro! =p

    thanks everyone! =D


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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