Sunday, September 26, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Me!

I have been a Digi user since like...

The first time I got myself a handphone! - Form3!

I am a hardcore fans of Digi for so long that...

I never change my handphone number! Till now!

So you see, 
the technology is keep on advancing.
The handphone is getting thinner, smaller, faster, better, stronger!
But one thing never change...

Once Digi, Always Digi!

It is simple actually.
Digi's moto: 

Always the smarter choice!

Now that, I've got the best choice - Digi, 
iPhone would be the next smarter choice!

Time to change!
From handphone to iPhone!

But that would only be possible if and only if...
Digi could award me that iPhone 4! =D

Other wise, being a student/blogger, 
it is unaffordable. =(

iPhone 4. In so many ways, it's a first!

Would Digi let me be the first to use iPhone 4 too? =p


  1. please check out my iPhone 4 post too ya! Good luck! XD

  2. Is it? I thought the fad nowadays is Android phones, and Iphone don't have Android OS.


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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