Monday, September 27, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Play

So, the question would be...

"What's so good about iPhone 4?"

Everyone is talking about iPhone, iPhone, iPhone!
But how many of you actually knows well about it inside-out?

"Hah! You just know it is the best only right!"

Well, let me tell you about it!

Unlike any other mobile phones, 

"iPhone 4 can do anything and everything!"

iPhone 4 is like Superman! Superphone!
Thanks to the iPhone Apps!

"iPhone 4 is suitable for all ages, both men and women!"

All you have to do is:
1. Browse the App Store.
2. Search for the applications that suits to you!
3. Download it just with a tap!

"Arghhh, I hate to browse and search slowly..."

No worries! 
iPhone is smart enough to recommends new apps based on ones you already have! =D
You can even browse by categories, latest, most downloaded, staff picks and more!

"Hmmm.. Are there many apps to download?"

Of course! There are over 250,000 apps for you to choose!
Many are even free!
Anything you name it, you can find it there!

"Hey, don't exaggerate!"

Well, I am not.

"iOS 4 is the world's largest app platform!"
There are a lot of third-party developers creating apps!

"Seeing is believing!"
"Check out the iPhone 4 in your nearest DiGi Stores! =D"


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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