Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Japan Trip Day 1

Let me share about my Japan trip since most of the reader seems like wanted to go so much! =p

Let's start with some introduction.
FYI, this trip is my first time to go oversea taking airplane. *I know I am lame!*
and... the flight tickets are sponsored! =D
I just brought RM3000 worth of Japanese Yen. *currency was high that time, 1=3.8*
Well, it is a 10 days trip with 2 days spending on the airplane. =.=

Okay, enough with the crap, photos:

MESCORP 2008/2010

Arriving at Narrita Airport, Japan

The complicated train map.

The Airport Express, something like KLIA Express.

The inside of the train.

Arriving at Asakusa, Tokyo.

Spot the Baskin Robbins?

On the red bridge, looking at Asahi(looks like shit?)

The blue bridge.

Khaosan Tokyo, the place we stayed.

Inside the lobby. Small but warm. =)

One of the small temple.

Penang Bridge? No! Tokyo Bridge.

Miraikan, Science Museum

Not forgetting to meet Assimo!

First Bento in Japan.

The globe in Miraikan.

AFM - Atomic Force Microscope

SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope

Quantum Dot!

There are still a lot more to come!
Stay tune dear visitor! =D


  1. OMG, it is not so spectacular after all

  2. lol. still got more to come! just the first day only! haha

  3. Sponsored? nice. Some people have all the luck in the world.

  4. waaaaaaaa sponsored? bo jio!! T_T haha


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