Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Oldtown @ Cyberjaya

Oldtown in Cyberjaya is a place where all MMU students would go.
Not to say would go but rather not many place to go except Oldtown.
So, i guess i could even say that all MMU students sure got go Oldtown before

Recently they changed a new menu.
A more high class one, with the hard cover, laminated paper and colorful picture.

Colorful picture means picture that would lure your appetite. 

For example:

 This is what i ordered: Tom Yum Noodles With Crabstick

This is how when it came. 

Tell me what's the different? 
Or i should ask what's the similar place? =.=

I totally no appetite after seeing what they served to me. 
I did not know Tom Yum could be so plain,
I did not know where are all the other ingredient go,
I did not know noodles are equivalent to mee hoon.

But I have to say, 
except for this, 
the others are still okay. *or maybe i get used to it already? =.=*


  1. I think this happens to almost all kinds of catalogue food. Even McDonalds, KFC, name any that have pictures of their food, when we take it, looks different.

  2. LOLx...
    Even super high class restaurant also like tat, taste oso so so nia...
    they're nt worried their reputation gone loh, lolx...

  3. lol. nona.. yea.. but they shudnt be too ridiculos. cause you will feel like being cheated! haha

    everlyn.. lol. i dun think they are worried. coz they got too many outlets! plus maybe just this particular outlet problem. =D


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