Sunday, April 3, 2011

Magnum Ticket!

I bet most of you know what is Magnum 4D, right?
In case you didn't know, here's the ticket...

"Probably you have seen this before..."

But what about this....

"Have you seen this before? =p"

"Yes! It is even older than me! 1988!"

"See the difference? haha!"

I always believe that gambling is a game for poor people.
Because when they are poor, they always believe that...

"Got bet, got chance; 
No bet, no chance!"

This is how I felt when I go for the lucky draw!
When I need the prize badly, I always thought maybe I will be the lucky one!
But luck never happens on me.

"So better work hard instead of dreaming!"



  1. keep on trying on lucky draw, no harm and nothing to lose right?
    also work hard at same time la

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Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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