Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Picture of the Day

Yup! Pure inspiring! 
I read the news from Bloomberg
and saw this photo....

Yup! That's Buffett and Obama!

"President Barack Obama, preparing for a post-Labor Day speech 
with plans for stimulating the economy, 
talked with billionaire Warren Buffett about 
how to boost job creation and spur growth. "
 - quoted from Bloomberg.com

Lesson of the day:

"Never be afraid to ask!"

No matter who you are and what you do.
Chinese saying "不耻下问"

Good night people. ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Interesting! Yes, just ask and trade knowledge!

  3. Ivn, yup! sure it is!

    Caroline, =D

    Charmaine, yup! that's a wise man would do!


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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