Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dedicated to My Supervisor, Irene @ Internship in AMD

As you know, my internship in AMD is going to the end.

Counting down, 2 more days!

In fact, I don't even wanna count! =(
I hate to say good bye!
Cause it's never gonna be easy.

But whatever it is, I dedicated this post to my supervisor, Ms Irene Lim.
*Probably she won't see this* =(
Henry Ho, Me, Irene, See Theng, See Theng's Bf.

Frankly, I am lucky enough to be under her. (right Henry Ho? LOL)
You see, whose supervisor would bring the trainees to....
Wait, too many let me think...Erm...

"Swensons, 3 times of QQ Ramen House, Behind 50 and Nandos!"

Not forget to mention that we don't have to pay for each of the place! *awesome isn't it?*

Okay la, of course not just treat me makan then I will say she's good right? =X LOL
Well, I appreciate her for all the things she taught me.
Her unselfishness let me have the chance to learn a lot of new things.
She's willing to share and to help just to make sure I truly understand everything.
And yes, I could say that....

"My internship is fruitful!"

Some trainees might complain it is sucks to be in AMD. *probably because of the RM450 salary*
But personally, I do think it depends on yourself!

You can learn anything in anywhere, 
if only you willing to.

So, don't blame AMD and say you can't learn anything.
Blame yourself for not having the heart and the passion to learn. =)

So here it is, my appreciation gift! =D

A magic cup with our photo! =DDD

and I called it...

"A cup of Sweets memory =D"

Memories will never fade away like the magic cup. =)

So yeah, she's like my mum at work ad!
How to say good bye leh?! TT

Hmm, but life moves on.
I can only say....

"Thank you for everything. =')"


  1. auww. yes its really hard, no like farewell. :( i cried teruk during my farewell at KK before come here. my colls cried almost everyday counting down 1 month before i leave the company summore. sobs sobs.. but still.. life goes on, and we always can keep in touch. hehe :)

    cheers! ;)

  2. Life moves on..but probably u will be back there to work right? you will never be able to predict the future

  3. wahhh.. where did U make dat mug.. cool yo.. I wanna 1.. please.. :-)

  4. congrats! ur intership is finally over. so, what's next? =)


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