Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Story to Share

A story I read from Suituapui.
Same like him, it is really a good story to share.
So here it is:

In case if you are lazy to read... =p
Here's the summary:

Awwww! What a lovely story right?
But in reality, specifically my family...

Disclaimer: Exaggerated for story purpose. =)

But yeah, that's pretty much how it is.
Criticize, criticize and criticize.
Somehow, I felt that I was being shaped into that behaviour too. =(

But the point is...

"learning to accept each other’s faults and 
choosing to celebrate each other’s differences 
are among the most important keys 
to creating a healthy, growing and lasting relationship."

And like suituapui said...

Life is too short to wake up with regrets!

So... I should really...

"Less criticize and love more! "

and I wish my family could read this too. =)
If you feel that it is meaningful, please share.
Most importantly, start appreciate people around you!


  1. Our malaysian facts of life..perhaps it is true.. sometimes we are all too pampered by our parents.. i hope my kids will not criticise my cooking even if i burnt them.. hahaha..

  2. Oh oh oh.. I like this!! Less Criticize and LOVE More!! ^_^.v.. Nice share Henry!! Love this.. My Maggi taste great,so no complain.. LoL..

  3. I'm all in for making more LOVE! Make LOVE not war :D

  4. yeah...we should less criticize & love more! thanks for the sharing...:)

  5. Thanks for the link. So sweet of you to share the story here. Sigh!!! It's so sad in our traditional Asian/Chinese society...but as young people, this is something that you should change when you're married. Good traditions, we keep...the not-good ones, we must discard.

  6. agree with that. but I always criticize more than I compliment & accept. shame on me.

  7. Cool! Love it :) Henry, thks so much for visiting my blog during my absence! Remember to come back for more Angry Birds insights. Hahaha!

  8. reanaclaire, yeah, and the best way is to show them how we do it. if parents are acting this way, den the kids will follow.

    Aki, thanks! =D dun eat too much maggie la, not good for health! =)

    Merryn, hahaha, you reminded me the song where is the love? haha

    dodot, yup! but its easy to say, hard to do!

    suituapui, perhaps i should write a letter for the future me to warn myself abt this. LOL

    Anne Lee, is not too late to change! =D

    Blackswan, no problem! =D

  9. This kinda make sense! The quote sort of touched me, life is too short to wake up with regrets (: and I just realised this post was published on my birthday HAHAHA mengade :p


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