Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Fav Crab @ Blog Action Day

In conjunction to the Blog Action Day 2011,
Since you know *or maybe not*
Today, 16/10/2011 is the...

"World Food Day!"

Yay! *there's nothing to do with you right?*
Well, we should be grateful for the food we eat. =)
And Yes I am!

My all time favourite - C-R-A-B!

*click on the link if you wanna know where it is =)*

Well, this post is not about how nice the CRAB is. *they are really tasty* =p
But rather I would like to bring the message of....

"Famine is the new obscenity!"

Don't get bored with my pic okay? =D

Just in case you don't know what's famine....

"Faminea widespread scarcity of food"

Nothing to do with you again?
Let me tell you the least you can do!

Don't waste the food!
Even if it's the last bit of rice!

Did you know...
When you are reading this post happily =X
Famine in Somalia...

30,000 children killed in 3 months,
10,000 per month, 333 per day, 13 per hour!

So if you can't save them,
atleast stop wasting food!!!


  1. dam hungry liao now hahaah. need some crab!

    and yes don waste food.!

  2. Agree, we must not waste food! Like our elders always tell us, every single grain of rice is precious. :)
    I love crabs too, but sometimes very lazy to eat them coz of the hard shell! lol

  3. great images, thanks for participating (and I LOVE the name of your blog)!

  4. Im glad you said it to. It is obscene to waste food.
    Also, I love crabs :-)

  5. a picture worth a thousand words.. You pointed out very clearly about famine.. People should consider it.. PS: what could food starvation can do? Read my post here for BAD 2011

    Someone is Special

  6. Alamak Henry, u're making me hungry lah! I love crabs!!

  7. Benjamin: yup! =D

    Laura, haha, yeah! theres the old saying if didnt finish till the last piece, next time wife will not pretty! LOL

    riversong, thanks!

    kenzik, go eat la! =D

    ishrath, yup! =D

    someone is special, thanks!

    blackswan, me love crabs too! hoho!


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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