Monday, December 12, 2011

New Year Eve

The movie New Year Eve reminds me of something.
Despite of all the negative comments, I still think that it is a great movie!

Go watch it! =D

Seeing all the famous people also excited ad! =D

Basically the movie is telling what is all about new year eve.
A few of the quotes that I like the most is...

“Sometimes it feels like there are so many things we can’t control, earthquakes, war, famine. But it’s important to remember the things we can control, like love and forgiveness. That’s what New Year’s Eve is really about: love, hope, and a really great party.”

"reminder to all of them to stop and reflect on the year gone by, on triumphs and missteps, promises made and broken. New Year’s is about getting another chance."

So true isn't it?
Then it got me start thinking about myself throughout 2011.
The resolutions I have made in the beginning of the year.

"Have I made it yet?"

2011 New Year Resolution
1. Enjoy every single day!
2. Live a healthy lifestyle, sleep early! eat healthy! exercise!
3. Get to know more friends, build up the network!
4. Be more hardworking, no more procrastination!
5. Do my best in everything I do!
6. Get the mutual fund consultant license!
7. Spend more time with family! 
8. Try to please everyone, or atleast for the greater good!
9. Forget the past, Appreciate the present, Look forward to the future!
10. Fulfill all the above.
11. Get a girlfriend perhaps? =D

Perhaps I have done all of it.
Not the best yet, but I could always be better. =)
Reflecting on the year 2011, all the things I did,
triumph and missteps, promises made and broken.

Perhaps it's time to fulfill all the promises 
I made before new year. =D

How about you?


  1. Wow, all resolutions were done. Prepare with 2012 resolution already?

  2. Wow! All accomplished successfully. Getting married in 2012?

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  3. Wow! All the big names. Look slike a good movie. Hmmm...No. 11 already kah? Got girlfriend now? So vacancy already closed lah?


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