Saturday, January 7, 2012

Road Trip @ Malacca

The road trip stopped by at Malacca not just for food,
We also went to walk around, especially Jonker Street!
Well, I used to study in Malacca for 1 year for my foundation in MMU.
But, I gotta say, it's like 5 years ago!

"Malacca is like a new place to me!"

Welcome to Malacca! =p

Massive traffic jam! holiday I guess!

This back lane that I never explore before! 

And this river....

Since when got this cruise!

Long queue as usual!

Hell lot of people even is not night yet!

and this temple...
According to mum,
She used to pray for everything goes well for me in my study in MMU,
Then now I'm graduated, so she gotta came back to pray again as appreciation. =D


Well, not sure when will be the next time to visit back again.
But probably not somewhere near in the future.

Till then. ;)


  1. I have not been to Malacca for a few years now. I certainly hope to go one of these days... Would be a nice change from going to KL and Penang all the time.

  2. aiyoh...all these pics are reminder to myself that i must make my way down to malacca real soon. its been ages since i've been there.

  3. suituapui, aiyoh, come penang i can treat u char koay teow mah. =p

    ken, thanks! =D

    Missyblurkit, hoho! perhaps its time to revisit! =D


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