Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time is Not Enough!

Just a short one. ;)
First question:

Is time ticking too fast?
I am doing things too slow?

photo taken from technabob

Since I started to work,
I got the feeling of time is not enough to use.

Here's my daily routine:
6.00am: Jogging
6.30am: Online read news/blogs/emails
7.00am: Breakfast
7.30am: Depart to work
8.00am - 5.00pm: Work
5.30pm: Online read news/blogs/emails
6.30pm: Dinner
7.00pm: Online read news/blogs/emails/report
9.00pm: Gym
10.00pm: Online read news/blogs/emails/report
11.00pm: Time to sleep

Of course, there are some variation in time.
For example, outing with friends/futsal with friends etc.
These will affected my schedule and hence slow down my progress.

Any suggestion for me?

I'm still finding a balance of life whereby I can do everything in time.
Perhaps come out with a detail daily timetable?
And be discipline to obey to the timetable?

This probably would happen. *I'm just guessing*
But still people would be disappointed if you gonna leave early, isn't it?

So what you gonna do?

Do give some comment ya. ;)


  1. Just learn to managed your time well. Be flexible for special cases and everything will be alright ;)

  2. ho ho ho.. :D.. Time is always there Bro.. Just live it happily.. ha ha ha.. trust me.. plus, U got ur own schedule.. That's good already.. :D.. ha ha ha..

  3. u go gym lagi jog in the morning. somemore read blog so much, of coz time is not enuf ler. next time jog enuf no need gym. save money. read my blog enuf others no need. save time :P

  4. I waste a lot of time waiting for blogs to load when I log in... Some take soooooooo long because they have all the nonsensical "decorations". What makes a blog good is the content (and photos) not all those frilly stuff. Tsk! Tsk!

    Then they say they want people to comment and they make it so difficult for people to do so. Have to do this, do that. If so scared of spammers or whatever, close account, no need to blog lah!!!

    The key word should be USER-FRIENDLY!

    If not for all the above, I think I would have a whole lot of time to spare...

  5. rajin. jog and gym in a day. amazing! i have been jogging and kickboxing daily in my sleep. strange but true.

  6. You sure you can sleep by 11? Wah your work starts at 8, so damn early wei.

  7. Nath, haha i already fit in everything i could in my schedule ad! but just... too busy! =S

    aki, haha im greedy! i always want more! =D

    merryn, gym at agilent and my house here dun need money one. =D
    aiyo, u seldom visit me pun! why wanna visit u only wor! TT

    suituapui, i believe none of those that u mention i got right? lol go find another place to complain lar =D

    missyblurkit, lol i read jogging and kickboxing not bad mah! den manatau in my sleep! LOL! den u got kick till drop on the floor? =p

    josarine, have to! otherwise cant get up the next morning! erm we are flexible actually. just that i want to go home early, so have to go early too. ;)

    Simple person, haha now starting only, maybe later on will have ad? =D

  8. Ha ha ha.. I know.. everyone is so greedy when it comes to TIMES. :p.. ha ha ha.. Merryn comment is..dengg... ha ha ha..


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