Thursday, May 3, 2012

MIA - Missing In Action

Dear Readers,

Thanks for dropping by!
I know I MIA for some time already.
I was and I will be busy until... erm probably next week? =S

Well, there are some places that I went.
And of course met with some great friends too. ;)

So here's the summary/sneak peak:

Went to KL on 428.

Spontaneously went to Malacca.

Went for satay celup.

Sungai Malacca.

The super long queue Nadeje.

Explore all kinds of foods.

Went up to the Taming Sari Tower - Revolving tower.

Drop by Seremban for the famous Asia Siew Pau.

Getaway to seaside!

With some picnic food. =p

Then getaway to the hilltop!

***All photos taken using my HTC One X***
***Raw without editing***


What about the great friends I met?
Yeah right, I forgot to take photos with them. =X
But probably I won't post up here even if I got. =p
Don't want to make you all jealous! HAHAHAHA!

So, I guess that's all for now!
Stay tuned! =DDD


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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