Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hennessy Artistry 2012 @ SQCC, Penang

Check out the previous post about H-A.
For the first time the event was held in Straits Quay.

Registration at the 4th floor.

and convention centre at the 5th floor!

Queueing up for the photo shoot! =D

Finally our turn! 

Pathetic right? All guys... LOL


I forgot what happened in between!!! 


I just know....

Bottoms up, bottoms up, bottoms up! 

It's not that I'm drunk~~
I'm I'm I'm I'm on that~~
I'm good I'm good~~


and the next morning


I got a hangover whoooaaaaa~~~!

and I drink until I throw up ehhhh~~~!

Okay, I made that up! XD
It wasn't that dramatic. =p
But it's good to mingle around!
and get to know some friends!

 But I gotta train my flirting skills!

and my drinking skill. LOL
I suck at both.

Till then! ;)


  1. I had fun but i was sickish and went back to hotel earlier before 12. :/

  2. NICE ONE...But you take too less pics d more?;P

  3. Omigawd!!! You bad bad boy!!! Spank! Spank!!! Must not drink like that! you do not know what they did to you when you were drunk. Wink! Wink! Hehehehehehe!!!!

  4. wah, updated about the HA so fast. an efficient blogger.

  5. lol, u must be drunk until u didn't take much photos of the event! =P

  6. Wow! So hyped until forgot what happened in between… haha you are one funny guy :P

  7. Hahaha it always happen when saw a lot of free alcohol in front of your eyes and friends around. =P


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