Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hennessy Artistry 2012 @ KWC KL

Pre-event post: Hennessy Artistry 2012 @ KWC KL
Then I was given a pair of VIP passes from Ashleigh!
Then got a pair of normal passes from Evelyn

So I invited my dear clone, her bf and Wilson! 
I didn't bring my DSLR. No photos. TT

The only one taken using Instagram. =S

Honestly, it wasn't hard at all to find the place.
I never heard of KWC but the two spot lights from the building make it obvious! 
For me, it does matters that the people that you are partying with.
So even though the music not so good this time....

But I met up with a lot of friends that longing to meet!

Me & Joanna! **photo from Joanna

Isaac! Me, Wilson, Nicole and Joeyi **photo from Isaac

Charmaine and me! **photo from Chermaine

Of course with Henry Lee, Eunice, Sher Lynn  and many others.
Got pretty drunk that night.
Especially Wilson, whom later slept inside the car in the carpark.
Then next morning found out that camera kena curi. *pity+guilty*
Well, felt sorry for him as I also half drunk and can't jaga myself already. =S


The ending of the event....

is the same as the previous.... LOL

which means...

I got a hangover whooaaaa~~~!!!

I drink until I throw up  (SICK) ehhh~~~!!!

No kidding! 4 packs of medicine! TT

Almost ruin my holiday.
Luckily I requested heavy dosage. =S

Well, kids at home, don't learn me. =X
Peace out!

Till then. ;)


  1. Wah so sick meh?!
    BTW, I uploaded our pics dy... faster update here hahaha! XD

  2. adoi...hangover? isk isk isk!

    glad you had fun...we'll have to catch up when I pop by to Penang soon.

  3. Ahhhh!!! Isee you met my friend Isaac. He's also Penang-nang leh? Humph!!! Bad bad boy!!! Can't drink, don't drink...and never mind even if it's free! Spank! Spank!

  4. Wah, so many of the bloggers I know! How fun! Huh, camera kenna stolen in the car? That bad, huh? Poor Edmend!

    Thks for your entry @ Vitacost US$50 International Giveaways! Good luck!

  5. I was there too :)
    ZOMG ur hangover seemed terrible! Make sure u dont get alcohol poisoning wtf

  6. ho ho ho.. been down after how much shot bro?? :p..


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