Monday, November 12, 2012

Recipes: Baked Fish with Breadcrumb Lemon Sauce

Check out first of my recipes!
I called it...

Henry's Baked Fish!

Baked Dory Fillet with Breadcrumb Lemon Sauce Topping

Frankly, I never do this before! 
But I always watch cooking show, ie, Jamie Oliver's!
He's like my idol! He makes cooking look so easy! 

So here's my recipe!

Defrost the dory fillet in salt water. 

Meanwhile, prepare my breadcrumb from the leftover bread. XD

Spread some butter on top of the tray to avoid sticking!

Soak broccoli in boiled salt water so that it is soft enough.

Arrange the dory fillet on top of the buttered tray!


Most important step!! 

Add in Henry's special sauce! =p

Well, nothing special!
I just simply mixed mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic and black pepper! 
Spread it evenly on top of the dory fillet.

Sprinkle the breadcrumb on top!

Then send into oven to bake!

Then oven is heated at 255'C for 30 minutes!
(Preheat the oven to 255'C before bake!)
(Time depending on the thickness of the fish)

While waiting 30 minutes for the fish...

Prepare the side dishes!

I made carbonara spaghetti!


Taaa daaaa....!!

Use fork to poke thru, if is soft enough then it is done!! =DD

The end product!

Side dishes with Spaghetti and Broccoli, parsley as deco! =D

Allow me to describe the fish!

On the top layer, breadcrumb make it crunchy!
Below, the texture of the fish is soft!
Then a little scent of garlic plus lemon mayonnaise make it appetizing! 

Hungry? =p
Anyway, go try it!
You will be surprised how easy it is!

Till then.


  1. Wah! Not bad your cooking skills. I should learn this so next time can cook for my family and bf too. =D

    1. yuppp! u should! haha! and thanks! =D im still learning!

  2. making me hungry smack in the middle of the night. grrrr!

  3. Wei! Why your Hennessy VSOP looks like Ribena leh? Hehehehehe!!!! much work. Lazy lah....but if you cook, I would not mind eating. Hehehehehe!!!!!

  4. Well Henry, I'm impressed! Send me some, won't u?? Hahaha!

    1. haha by the time it reaches u, probably rotten already! hahaha

  5. wow, you did this yourself? looks kinda good, but dunno whether same goes to the taste.. haha. just kidding.

    1. hehe ofcoz! taste also good okayyy! dont envy! =p

  6. aisheh. cooking ur hidden talent arr?

  7. Wah You can cook!!!! I coming penang this weekend!

  8. somemore got big glass of Hennessy...
    yam sing? lol

  9. I don't know how it's taste, but from the photo, you can open restaurant liao.....hahaha!!!!

  10. You should let me try your hardwork some day.

  11. wahhh....baked fish paired with Hennessy VSOP? that's a luxury!

  12. Take that with VSOP lagi! Tsk tsk...


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