Monday, December 17, 2012

Toasted Bread + Half Boiled Egg @ Joo Leong Cafe, Sungai Tiram Penang

Looking for a nice and simple breakfast in Penang?
Perhaps toasted bread and half boiled egg is a perfect match!
So you might wanna try this!

Joo Leong Cafe @ Sungai Tiram, Penang

Yummy breakfast to kick start the day! 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Unfortunately, nowadays a lot of people skip breakfast!
Well, not me! =D

Starting with...

Toasted bread with butter! I like to sprinkle some sugar on top too! =D

Half boiled egg! Not too raw not too boiled, just nice!

Well, probably toasted bread and half boiled egg is not enough. =p
Fret not, you can opt for nasi lemak or fried bee hun.

Simple nasi lemak. 

Personally, nothing too special about it.
But if you are around there,
or maybe looking for breakfast before going airport..
Then probably you could drop by!
It is just right opposite the Post Office, Sungai Tiram Penang.

Joo Leong Coffe Cafe
179-H, Sungei Tiram, Bayan Lepas
Penang. West Malaysia.
Tel (1) : 010-4124865
Tel (2) : 012-4984865


  1. i lama x makan half boy egg too! i used to siao it till i feel jilat :X. i wanna try the toasted bread!

  2. The first photo convinced me that it is mouthwatering toast by looking at the generous amount of butter!

  3. Penang got so much good food!!! The toast is looking very very sinful...and I now have craving for those nasi lemak wrapped is small banana leaves....and the half boil of course..I think I'll go make one now..

  4. This is just the perfect breakfast!

    1. yupp simple but good enough to kickoff the day! =D

  5. hello, nice to know you..
    The food seems nice :)

  6. The toasted bread looks super delicious!!!

  7. This cafe is free pork or not?


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