Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hennessy VSOP KYRIOS @ Room, Autocity Penang

So I attended this Hennessy VSOP KYRIOS launch party!
Without the +1 or my party buddies, I can't really enjoy much.
Especially when I don't know a lot other bloggers. =X
Luckily I managed to get Christer and Anerly to go too!

As usual, they will get a lot of pretty ambassadors! =DDD

Anerly & Christer. and I feel awkward. =X

Took photo with the black-painted muscle guy. 

Then with a lot other bloggers! =D

Pour it up~~~
Pour it up~~~

Let me pour for you! =D

Well do check out the video!

Pursue your dream!
Follow your code!

Well, these are the Hennessy parties that you don't want to miss.
So check out their Facebook frequently! Hennessy Malaysia

p/s: photos credit to Christer & Anerly. *I don't bring DSLR to party >.<*
Till Then. ;)


  1. so many leng lui drinking with u, must be a night to remember.. hahaha

  2. Yeee you should've asked me! Haha

  3. Hey fellow Malaysian,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog >D You don't play online games? o.o Like really?? lolol

    Drink it up drink it up! Hahahha

    Followed you via Facebook page already >D


  4. walao.... got lenglui left n right bojio la? :(


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