Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tax: e-Filing for Beginners!

It's the month for tax e-filing again!
Remember last year I wrote about...

How To Claim Income Tax 2011?

Well, now finally it's my first time to claim for 2012! =D
Trust me, tax planning is very important.
So here I would like to show you how I claim mine!

How to fill up e-Form?

Page 1 : Particulars of Individual
Fill up personal details as usual.
Most importantly.. 
make sure you key in the right bank account number!
you can key in mine as above too. XD

Page 2 : Statutory Income and Total Income
Declared all your income including dividends, bonus, etc etc.
Most importantly.. 
make sure you key in the total PCB you have paid in 2012!
PCB = Potongan Cukai Bulanan or Monthly Tax Deduction

This is the amount you might be able to claim back!!

Page 3 : Income of Preceding Years Not Declared
Declare if you have any...
For beginners like me... NONE!

Page 4 : Deduction Claim
**most important part**
Individual - fixed at 9,000.00
Medical expenses for parents - Claim as much as you can.
But of course you don't wish your parents is so sick. =X
The rest like disabled, education fees all none.

Buy books can claim up to RM1000 - there's a lot receipt to keep! >.<
PC / Laptop / iPad without 3G up to RM3000! Buy a MacBook!
Savings in SSPN up to RM6000 - I don't think anyone keep there anyway.
Sport equipment up to RM300 
Broadband up to RM500 - Including 3G!

All the above mostly on your spending...
So lastly.... savings/insurance get to claim too!
Life insurance & KWSP up to RM6000 - I can get full! =D
Education & Medical Insurance up to RM3000 
Private Retirement Scheme and Deferred Annuity up to RM3000

Unlike all the above spending!
You could still use life insurance, medical insurance & PRS for tax deduction!
So is good to have them!
**maybe not too much, just enough to reach the max XD**

Page 5: Rebate Claim/Tax Deduction/Tax Relief
This page can leave it blank as the Rebate will be auto-calculated.

Page 6: Tax Summary
Last page to go!!
Our goal is to reduce the chargeable income 
at the maximum RM17,500!

So that...
Your Total Income Tax is RM400!

Here's why...
Individual Tax Rebate - RM400!
RM400 - RM400 = 0!!!

But remember your PCB already paid an amount!
So now you can claim it back in full!!

For my case - RM477.35! =DDD

Page 7: Triple Confirmation
Are you really confirm with your data?

Are you really really confirm with your data?

Are you really really really confirm with your data?

It's good that they want to make sure you key in the right information.
They are lean! Using mistake-proofing! 
or we called it Poka-Yoke! LOL

So lastly.. you will get a Acknowledgement Receipt..
My first-ever Income Tax e-Filing!

And I'm sure as time goes by, it would be more complicated!
Because I would be earning more! XD
Of course, I will be spending more too!

So be wise!
Spend more on the tax deductable one! LOL

For example...
Interest on Housing Loan - property investment! - up to RM10,000
Life Insurance/Medical Insurance/Private Retirement Fund - total up to RM12,000
At least, these are the investment you will be profited!
And for sure, save the trouble to keep all the small small amount of receipts.

Always claim the big amount first!

Anyone need help can find me too. ;)
Till then.


  1. isn't the RM400 rebate for husband n wife only?

    1. Edwin, nope, individual also can.
      Don't worry about this, it will automatically deduct for this rebate rm400 one. ;)

  2. its gotta be useful if i work :D

  3. LOL! this is so useful. I love this post so much. Anyone that comes to me again shall be directed to this page.

    1. lol. means you have done urs? =D thanks anyway! =D

  4. Terima kasih kerana membayar!!! And thank you for contributing to my monthly pension payments. Hehehehehehe!!!!

  5. aiyorr! so troublesome one?? luckily i don't need it yet =P

    1. lol. e-filing consider very easy. if last time manual one lagi troublesome! ;)

  6. Submitted lo!~ Nice tutorial anyhow~~~

    1. good good! so can claim back money? or dont need pay any? or have to pay a lot (assuming u are rich fella! XD)

  7. Why dont use the deduction for books? Go buy books as birthday present XD

    1. yuppp sure can! but i rarely keep books receipt. that's why. >.<

  8. Not bad for first timer! Hahahaha.. But if for e-filling, it has been extended until 15 May. I guess one of the reason behind is the upcoming election. Only for e-filling. If by manually, then last day was 30th April 2013

    1. yuppp. till 15 may. but the earlier you submit the earlier you get to claim back right. ;)

  9. well, my salary not high so no use dao~ >.<~

    1. lol mr lonely, you are being too humble is it? i think u mean too high.. =p

  10. Nice recommendation! The way in which the company is offering their superlative quality income tax return services is just fantastic and much comfortable. Same as them, today we have numerous companies who are capable in providing appropriate quality comforts to their every dear customer.


  11. Thanks for the information... I really love your blog posts... specially those on NPS Claim

  12. The blog was absolutely fantastic, Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating the blog, looking forward for more content…. Great job, keep it up.
    Filing Income Tax


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