Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'm CFP Student @ KDU College, Penang

This will be my first post about my Multi-Identity post series.
Don't worry, I'm not talking about multi-personality but rather identity!
I do have a lot of different identities. Like they said : 情况所逼!  LOL
But if you read about my ambition here, you would understand why. ;)

So yeah, this is about the course I'm currently taking!
I'm taking Certified Financial Planner (CFP) course at KDU College, Penang.

***Updated on 28/6/2016

This is what you will get for completing Certified Financial Planner (CFP®)! And of course the title - "Henry Tan, CFP®"!👍 😁

***Updated on 1/1/2014

I'm Associate Financial Planner! =D

I'm quite surprise to know there's a title as Associate Financial Planner!
Anyhow I will be getting the fully licensed Financial Planner by the end of 2014! =D
Stay tuned!

I'm a student again! =D

Well, this is a course with 6 modules in total.
Whole course could be as short as 2 years and as long as 3 years.
It could be more if you continue to fail! >.<
So far I have done my Module 1 which is Foundation in Financial Planning.
More to come! =D

The whole course costs around RM8,000! (including everything!)
And yes, I have to pay myself.
Borrowed 8k from parents and pay them back RM335 each month for 2 years.
That explains my high commitment every month! =(

But it will be worth for me! ;)

Especially when I'm done, I will be getting this CFP marks! =D
Like I always said:

Learning is a life long journey!

Especially towards things that you love!
And keep moving forward to your goal! ;)

Anyone interested to be my lab-rat?
Let me help you in your personal financial planning! =D

Till then. ;)


  1. aisheh. take in banyak course lo

  2. A good first step in accomplishing your dream (: remembered you told me that you've always have interest in this. Good luck then!

    1. hehe thank you thank you! make sure u are moving towards ur dream too ya! =D

  3. Seems like you learn a lot, know a lot. hahaha!
    Good luck in accomplish your dream!

    1. yuppp we are sponge right now! absorb as much as we can! =D

  4. Good luck! see you around in college ;) *maybe*

    1. hahaha probably not. my class only on weekend. =p

  5. wahhh awesome course, why u no come here PJ to study? :P

  6. It's good to know what you want and plan haow to achieve it. All the best ah! You'll do great :D

  7. All the best in your studies! :D

    xx Mandy

  8. All the best to you, Henry! :)
    Enjoy being a student again! (that's the best part right? XD)

  9. Something to deal with money is it? Hehe...

    Anyway, all the best in your study~

  10. How about the entry requirements?

    1. hi zainal, anyone with a degree cert would be able to register! ;)


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