Saturday, October 12, 2013

Nuffnang Sponsored Post : Talent Corp SFCF Oct 2013 @ USM, Penang

Last weekend Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad (TalentCorp) successfully hosted Sector Focused Career Fair (SFCF) at University Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang.
The career fair mainly focused on science, healthcare and social sciences sectors.
Not only it attracted a lot of graduates but also final year students!

Where else could be better than USM right!

It was held in the Dewan Utama Pelajar (DUP), USM.
The two days event started from 10am to 6pm.
This year, there were 32 participating companies in total.
Most of them are big companies, such as Felda Global Ventures (FGV) Holdings Berhad, Hovid Berhad, PFIZER, Telekom Malaysia (TM) Berhad and even Padiberas Nasional Berhad.

Registration booth at the entrance of Dewan Utama Pelajar.

Well, even DNP Clothing Sdn Bhd was there too!
FYI, DNP Clothing Sdn Bhd is the retail and consumer merchandise for some of the TOP brand such as Topman, Topshop and even Dorothy Perkins


World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Malaysia was there too! 

Some of the familiar engineering companies would be First Solar Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Fuji Electric Sdn Bhd and even Silterra Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
The company that attracted me the most would be NanoMalaysia Berhad.
I was graduated with Electronics Engineering Majoring in Nanotechnology but yet I didn't know the existence of NanoMalaysia Berhad. TT 
On the bright side, good exposure for me though. =D

Getting more and more crowds!

If you never heard of SFCF, here are some of the basic information.
SFCF is a series of career fairs which focused on 11 sectors in National Key Economic Area (NKEA).
It is mainly to educate public particularly students on the choices of the career path available in the 11 sectors.
The 11 sectors of NKEAs include Oil & Gas, Electronics & Electrical, IT, Telecommunication, Biotechnology, Finance, Accounting, Healthcare, Tourism, Fast-Moving-Consumer-Goods and Education.

I'm Engineer = Electronics & Electrical 
Financial Planner = Finance 
Tourist Guide = Tourism

Fuhhh! I'm involved in all the National Key Economic Areas weyyyy! HAHAHAHA

Career Talk by the speaker from Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA).

The career fair includes job fairs, interviews, career talks, ICQ Quiz and many more!
The career talk by IRDA was held in the hall upstairs.
The hall was quite full, as they were interested in the Malaysian Federal Government statutory body that tasked to realize the vision of development for Iskandar Malaysia.

I'm sure TalentCorp has achieved its objective by optimizing Malaysian talent.
The career fair definitely let the graduates have better understanding in the developing sectors. 
And even give them the chance to work in the participating companies.

For further information on TalentCorp and SFCF,


  1. go lah put your resume with nanoMalaysia berhad! haha
    i'm stil young to put in my resume yet


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