Monday, November 25, 2013

Jelly Bunny @ Gurney Paragon, Penang

Jelly Bunny open their 2nd outlets in Gurney Paragon, Penang!
This Brazilian designer's brand is fast becoming a heat following its successful opening in Queensbay Mall.
The colorful, fast fashions and easy mix & match trends are highly demanded by the fashion lovers.

The opening of the shop was welcome by the crowds as early as 10 in the morning.

They were served by all the friendly Jelly Bunny girls. =D
*she's adorable right! ^^*

The first 200 lucky shoppers were given a free pair of shoe! =D

They are having the promotion of BUY 2 FREE 1 too!

25 Nov is the last day! 

Promotions attracted all the crowds here! 

A lot of colorful shoes can be found in Jelly Bunny. 

From high heels to flats.

And even handbags!

So many options that you just don't know where to start from!

There's a big bunny in the house too! =D

I just simply snapped a few nice one! 

Studded pink ribbon high heels. Nice? =D

Or a simple flower ribbon? Cute too right!

Their transparent handbag very cool too! 

Or maybe you prefer this fancy bunny flats! =D

I actually like their logo very much! Cute bunny! 
The footbed is really soft!

Thanks to Jelly Bunny, I can choose too! 

I have chosen a pair of high heels and a pair of flats.

Nice or not? Hehee! =D

They gave me their membership privileged card too.
You can get 10% discount with the card!

Well, who says guys cannot go?
You can always shop for the loved one right!
Most importantly.. we are the one that swipe the card! $$$

Thanks to the GM, Annie for treating us a big meal in Italiannies too!

Personally, I think their semi-transparent shoes are really soft yet not smelly.
Jelly Bunny shoe are soft enough not to hurt the heels. *no more ugly plaster!*
I always have bad impression for those plastic-like material which smells bad!
But Jelly Bunny really solved it all! The shiny, jelly-like sheen smells like jelly beans! =D

About the giveaway...

I really wish I could wear it! *not the high heels, cause I'm already tall ok!*
Unfortunately, my shoe size is 11 and they are just too small for me!

I have to do giveaway!

I'm sure you saw this in my Facebook about the giveaway!

BUT... *yes, there's always a butt*

I have purposely chosen...

SIZE 5 for both high heels and flats! XD
*the smallest size*

And you know... like the Cinderella story...

If the shoe fits, wear it! =D
*literally, not the rude way*

So if you are size 5, quickly comment below and you might be the lucky Cinderella! =D
Make sure you have "Like" I Blog My Way Facebook Page ya!

Anyhow, if you are not...
Just go get it! Price ranging as low as RM29.90!

They are very affordable!

Till then! ;)


  1. Wee...I'm size 5! I want the pretty high heels please! *Big cutie bunny eyes* XD

  2. Btw Henry, good taste you have there. The pair of Jelly Bunny shoes you picked are really lovely. :)

  3. Choose me I want to win it to my cinderella mom for her christmas present.Thank you so much.

  4. I hope I will be the cinderella to win it although I don't have a prince but it is okay and I will be happy as a princess if I win it.

  5. I'm gonna be your cinderella~
    *blink blink eyes*
    Opss...and my mom too! xDDD

  6. O yeah, I'm size 5 ;p I wish to win a pair of Studded pink ribbon high heels to match with my christmas outfit, wish me luck and be your cinderella, lol XD

  7. Great write up! Make me wanna go running to their shop to get more heels/flats. :) can I be ur Cinderella? Lol

  8. Hi henrry my shoe size ngam ngam five and i lama lama ady liked ur facebook page (: see so loyal right ? Hahahah and i read every post u update so can i be ur cinderella ? Oops (:

  9. Errrr.... imma size 6 >_< congratz to the lucky size 5 =P

  10. hahahha men are the one who swipe the cards lolol. btw love the transparent bag ahhh!!

  11. I'm have a Cinderella foots size no 5. I wish I can get it ! It pink and studd . Sweet yet cool :)

  12. wow..really nice pink shoe..
    Can I have one?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I Blog My Way, I Want My Shoes!
    I'm the Pinkaholic Cinderella :D

  15. LOL! Me want be the Cinderella can ar?
    Thought you will keep for your girlfriend or your future daughter. HAHAHHA

  16. Omg. . Both in pink n it's so pretty! Give me! Give me! N it will be my precious. .. haha.. (luckily I liked ur page be4 =D )

  17. OMO size 5! I'm the cinderella~ *wink wink*
    pick me pick me I don't mind if it's not glass heels!

  18. You're so smart by choosing Size 5 because I know you choose it for me right??? :D :D You blog your way, I wear my way too! I wanna win away the Cinderella high heels or flats ^__^ Btw I already liked your page since long time ago :P

    xo, FiSh @ // :D

  19. The shoes are pretty....too bad I can't wear size 5! I am a size 4...unless you are referring to size 5 US?

  20. size 5 definitely not me...y not size 8....sad

  21. What a cute store :-)

    ♡ ♡Camilla Christine ♡ ♡


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