Wednesday, December 18, 2013

HTC One X vs Ninetology U9 Z1+

Anyone heard of Ninetology?
Well many around me actually doesn't know!

But is okay, you should totally read on!

Don't worry! This will not be those very technical review/comparison. ;)

I was given Ninetology Z1+!
Z1+ is consider as one of the new batch of higher end product!

Quite a big box that contained the phone, charger, headset and adapter.

What attracted me the most is actually the S-Kross Adapter.
Really wow to see they actually include this Travel Charger!
Just simply a push button you can changed it to different country adapter pins.

Okay so let's get started!

Comparison none other than my baobei - HTC One X!

Well, first self-test would definitely be using Antutu Benchmark test!

Surprisingly! Z1+ is leading so much ahead!

See my baobei HTC One X can't even catch up!
Not even close!


The winner from the self test still my baobei HTC One X! =D 

Benchmark with other brands in the market...
Wow Z1+ still better than Samsung Galaxy S2!

Okay probably all the self test result and numbers don't mean anything to you!
I certainly agree to that, like who cares?
(maybe I care only when comparing with friend's phone >.<) 

So let's see the result visually! =D
p/s: all the photos taken by Z1+, unedited but only resized!

The new comer in my lab - Andy! 

Then my colleague Syafiq testing out the front camera!
5MP front camera really good!

13MP for the main camera!!
Not too bad too right? =D

Some of the closed up shot.
A bit hard to focus if is too near.
I guess most of the phone is like that.

I like this one! I like the way it blur the background nicely! =D

The photo processing quality quite good with high contrast!

It's exactly the same as how I look out my wind screen!

I like the fast response where I can quickly snap the red car behind me! =D
Because red car reminds me of her. =(
Well, that's the importance of a good camera, 
can quickly snap down the once-in-a-lifetime-moment!

To be honest, I think the major problem is their branding. =(
People might think twice if they were to buy unfamiliar brand.
Well, perhaps they need to be in the market for longer time.
Just like how Samsung and Apple replaced Nokia and Motorola.
And of course there are still so much space for improvements.
For example, I can't find any screenshot quick key! =(

Price! RM1299 only!
Half the price of almost similar specs phone out there!
To be honest, I think the phones nowadays are too much overpriced!
Mainly due to their branding and marketing strategy!
One branded phone could easily costs my whole month salary!
Some of those people who bought it, can they really afford it?
*that's how credit crisis started!*

Click this to find out more! =D

If Ninetology can continue to improves their products...
And be patient for another few years... Time will tells...
(people tend to suspect if the phone could last long or not)
Afterall... there is still market for Malaysian that prefer "Good but Cheaper".

So their next tagline would be....

"Why pay more when you can have the best?" =D

Subscribe to their newsletter to get latest update! =D
Till then. ;)


  1. I was so shocked when I saw your HTC One X's condition. And amazingly, you still can use it. Won't it will scratch or hurt ur face with the screen like that?

  2. If u want to screenshot, press the left down button + right button then it will function...


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