Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine's Day Celebration 2014

It's common to see girls writing about how their bf celebrated V-day for them right?
So I will be the unique one, to write how I celebrated, from the point of view of a guy. =D
And I think it's important for me to keep as memory too. *I'm forgetful person*

It's all started when...

She said "Yes" to me when I proposed to her with a ring.

Most of you would thought that it is a wedding proposal or even "accident". #ifyouknowwhatimean
But no, I just want her to know how serious and how sincere I am.
Is like what you will see in the Chinese movie - "以结婚为前提". LOL!!!
Well you see, a ring comes with a responsible
And I think it's important to reminds her that I really heart her.

I really heart you okay? ;)

As Valentine's day was getting nearer, I have to crack my head!
I bet most of the guys would felt so too.
So many questions will popped out, such as "Where to go?" "What to give?" etc etc.
Well, for me it is hard as I used to be a "practical" guy.
To me, if someone asked "Why need to celebrate V-day?" and I will answer.. 

"Everyday can be V-day if you treat her right!"

Saw this cute cake in Bread History, so decided to gave her as pre-Vday cake.

That's the old me, I know I still have to do something this time.
I still have to get her roses probably for the first time ever in my life.
I bought the flower from my friend's florist shop, Lervish Flower Couture.
I didn't want her to walk all the way to Agilent's entrance as she's gonna busy with her work. 
So I get her colleague to help me to place on her table first thing in the morning. **thanks Cheryl!** 
And just so you know... 6 red roses simply means... 

I wanna be yours,
I am devoted to you!

Roses are red, violets are blue,
even the brightest star, isn't as sparkling as you. =)

Finally the day has arrived.
I have chosen ZEST Bar Cafe at GLOW Penang.
It is located in GLOW by Zinc Hotel at Macalister Road, Penang.

A heart that loves is always young. ^^

Well decorated menu with Valentine's day theme.

Entree - Prawn & Red Caviar
Served with mixed leaves, feta, red onion pickle, lemon and dijon dressing.
Fresh, huge and succulent prawns! How can I say no? =D **Allergic**

Main Course for her - Pan Fried Layered Salmon
Served with potato quiche, asparagus puree, ginger sauce and topped with red cherries.
Layered salmon with red cherries was good but potato quiche isn't my favorite.

Main Course for him - Grilled Lamb Tenderloin
Served with potato basil cream, buttered zuchini, lemongrass and prune juice.
Well marinated lamb tenderloin, tender, juicy and flavorful! 

I am a lousy eater! I was fooled! 
I thought it was cucumber!

Two glasses of complimentary sparkling wine.
We were just pretending, not really drinking also. haha

Dessert - Red Velvet Cake & Coffee Trifle
Served with glazed almond cream, slice of mango and apple.

Absolutely delightful!!! =D

Not just the cake, but being fed by darling! ^^

Mystery Gift - A bottle of  Heart-Shaped Chocolate
That's so thoughtful of them to print our name and paste on the bottle.

When there is great love,
there are always miracles!

Love can be as simple as standing at the roadside, 
looking at the reflection of fireworks. =)

Tough road ahead, but we will be tougher! 

That pretty much sum up my Valentine's Day celebration!
Simple but definitely enjoyable.

How about you?

Till then. ;)


  1. wow~impressed by what you give your gf a promise
    not much boy able to do this

    1. haha thank you thank you. hopefully this is a promise that can be kept for till we die la. haha

  2. ah chey. not wedding proposal har.. alaa...i got cheated. ;P;P;P;P;P
    Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS! yr girl super sui leh!! ^^

    1. haha thank you thank you! got come penang play must find me again ya! =D

  3. stay sweet Henry!! and congrates LOL

  4. ants are crawling~ hahahah i saw so many couples behind you all haha this restaurant seem very romantic hor~
    and i wish my guy could be that romantic like you! hAHAHAH

    1. haha you are crawling? =p just kidding. he will be, one day, dont worry. ;)

  5. So romantic !!! A ring that promise forever !!

    1. hahaha yea yea! forever a bit exaggerated la. but probably till death do us part. HAHAHHAHA

  6. In this world how many guy willing do like this?10%?hehe..lucky you both have each other.

    1. haha thank you thank you! u are lucky to have one that so devoted to you too. ;)

  7. Sweet dao...I can feel the ants are crawling around. Hahahaa... Do continuously do this to your darling, not just on V-day. Gals always love surprised eventhough on normal day. I should let my bf see this post. xP

    1. hahahaha wah later ur bf said i spoil the market. =p yeah yeah i will. thanks! =D

  8. aishehhh! sweet die liao lorrr haha

    1. cannot die cannot die. sweet dao diabetic jiu hao. HAHAHA

  9. i know you have been searching for your Mrs right for a loooong looong time, so happy for you Henry!

    eh she's manyak lenglui le! intro intro XD

    1. Ya lur ya lur, must intro!

      You very romantic leh, so sweet many ants liao

    2. @constance wait you got come penang again sure can! =D

      @kharnyee, haha can can no problem. thank you! =D

  10. Haha really thought u getting married soon.
    Anyway happy that u found the love of your liffe
    Best wishes to the both of you=)

    1. thank you olive! =p anyway if is getting married sure you will receive invitation la. haha

  11. sooooooo sweet!!!
    ur gf banyak comel! =)
    When are you getting married Henry!!!? ;D

  12. omgggg banyak sweet! Rmb to invite me when you're getting married!! haha congrats :D!

    1. sure will!! you can start keeping ur angpau money for me. hahahaha

  13. Congratulations on your proposal.
    My then bf (now hubby) didn't propose, just merely said "We get married lor" when I was having dinner at his house (his mum cooked).. Men....

    1. haha well simple can be romantic too right. ;)

  14. so sweet >.<


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