Sunday, May 4, 2014

IMAX Theatre @ TGV Gurney Paragon Mall, Penang

Finally IMAX Threatre is here in TGV Gurney Paragon Mall, Penang!
It is the FIRST IMAX Threatre in northern region of Malaysia.
And also the second TGV outlets in Penang Island.
Special thanks to John Khor and TGV for the invites to the Official Launch.
I get the chance to attend the Premier Screening of The Amazing Spiderman 2 IMAX 3D!

Premier Screening with IMAX 3D weihhhhh! =D


IMAX = Image MAXimum - is a motion picture film format.

Spiderman in action with all the management people from TGV and Gurney Paragon Mall.

Everyone were excited to take photo with Spiderman!

Including me! HAHAHA!

Spiderman with the antagonist - Electro!

Courtesy of TGV Cinemas, we were given goodie bags and even free popcorns and drinks!
So generous isn't it?! =D

All the happy faces were waiting the movie to start!

And one thing that should not be missed - SELFIE!
See John Khor behind me! HAHAHA

The 3D glasses look like those snorkelling goggles huh? 8D

Many people ask me what's the difference of IMAX 3D and normal 3D.
Well, personally, IMAX screen is a lot bigger and the effects are more intense!

It feels so real! 
FYI: I was sitting at the first row! LOL

There are some games and trivia challenge too! 
We won ourselves two TGV blanket! Super useful! =D

In conjunction to the Premier Screening of The Amazing Spiderman 2,
342 Spidermen/Spiderwomen/Spiderkids were there to break the Guinness World Record.
It would be the "Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Spider-man"!

Now Maybank is having promotion with TGV for the IMAX The Ultimate Experience.
Buy 1 Free 1 every Thursday for IMAX halls!
So grab this opportunity and go try it ya! =D


  1. waaaa. so syokkk! bila wanna bring me out? :P

  2. Wahhhh IMAX with 3D must be really really eye popping ! hahaha

  3. imax is the best! wish it wasn't so expensive though.. ):


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