Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ramadhan Buffet 2016 @ Sunway Hotel Georgetown, Penang

The holy month of Ramadhan is coming again! This year you may enjoy the Ramadhan Buffet with the flavors of "Mak Tok" at Sunway Hotel Georgetown with your friends and family. As you may know, "Mak Tok" means going back to the village for nostalgic memories of food growing up with the evocative fragrance from grandmother's house with recipes passed down from generation to generation as you reminisce the good old times.

Ramadhan Buffet 2016 @ Sunway Hotel Georgetown
8th June 2016 (Wed) - 3rd July 2016 (Sun)
6.30pm - 10.00pm (LG Floor)

RM58 nett (Adult)
RM38 nett (Child/Senior Citizen)

Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016 - Nice decoration
A wide variety of appetizing dishes awaiting you after buka puasa at Sunway Hotel Georgetown! Ramadhan being one of the most sacred occasions in Malaysia, Sunway Hotel Georgetown prepares each dish with the needs of the faithful in mind. 

Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016 - Kambing Panggang & Nasi Daging
Savor choices from delectable flavors of yester-year to reminisce the good food back in the day. Enjoy the blend of oriental, kampung and traditional and even carvery meat. Choices range from Signature items such as Nasi Daging, Rendang Udang Harimau Berkerisik, Ayam Panggang Percik Bermadu and others such as Sambal Daging Sewangai Serai, Kambing Panggang, Sambang Udang dengan Petai, Satays, and many more. 

Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016 - Sotong Sumbat Telur Masin Berempah 
One of the amazing dish that caught our attention was this Sotong Sumbat Telur Masin Berempah! Call me a katak di bawah tempurung, but this was really my first time trying this and it was mind blowing! I would never thought of such a appetizing combination especially with the kuah curry that makes it so good to go with rice! Definitely Must Try Dish

Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016 - Ayam Panggang Percik Bermadu
I know there's nothing much to show about Ayam Panggang Percik Bermadu as it is so common that you can find it anywhere. But (yes here comes the BUT), I have to say that the chef makes it to the perfection. Unlike Ayamas Percik Roaster (my number 1 favorite because of the appetizing percik sauce), the chicken was equally tender and juicy yet not overwhelmed by the percik sauce or madu (honey). So here you go, another Must Try Dish!

Ramadhan Buffet 2016Ramadhan Buffet 2016

Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016 - Appetizers and Desserts
Ramadhan Buffet 2016

Ramadhan Buffet 2016 - Black Glutinous Rice Cheese Cake
Meanwhile, there is a wide variety of appetizers and desserts too. All of them are up to the standard, some of the noteworthy ones are the Kerabu Daun Selom dengan Kerang, Cendol Pulut Pisang, Pisang Tanduk Bakar Nyiur Muda Bergula, and finally this, Kek Keju Berpulut Hitam (Black Glutinous Rice Cheese Cake)!!!  M-I-N-D-B-L-O-W-I-N-G!!! Maybe I am a katak again, but I swear you not gonna find this in Secret Recipe, that's why I give it a Must Try Dish! Not to worry about the black glutinous rice (if you are not a big fan of it) as it doesn't contribute much to the flavor much but rather just the texture. 

Ramadhan Buffet 2016

Thanks to Sous Chef Wee and Chef Huzaimi gather together their culinary team for dishes with its authenticity taking you back in time with delectable flavors from live station to buffet line, a dinner that fits all kinds of cravings for that special meal and memorable occasion with friends and family. 

Ramadhan Buffet 2016
Ramadhan Buffet 2016 - Chefs and the General Manager, Mr. Ben Ho. 

33, New Lane (Off Macalister Road), 
George Town, 10400, Penang.

For Reservations:
+604-229 9988 


  1. Oh wow, it's time of the year to feast again! Have a great week, Henry!


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