Friday, May 11, 2012

Stop at Hatyai @ 3D2N Koh Lipe

The previous post about Koh Lipe.
Continue from the last post, so we passby the border and headed to Hatyai.
So starting with the check at Malaysia Immigration.

Go out easy, come in hard. 

So it takes less than a minute to settle here.

But to go in Thailand....

Super long queue! 

Saw this on our van... LOL
my interpretation:

"Do not naughty naughty in the van!"


Arrived at the shop in Hatyai to change van.

What's the first thing to do?

Foursquare Check in! LOL!

The map in the shop.

While waiting for the van...

I went to walk around!

This doesn't look good, isn't it? 

The church there.

And I realized that...

They got very complicated power lines! 

But with cute mini lorry! =D

Well, honestly we didn't know that we have to change van in Hatyai.
So my advise, please make sure with the van services people.
Because it is really time consuming!
And needless to say... tiring!

Stay tuned for the upcoming one! ;)

Journey to Koh Lipe @ 3D2N Koh Lipe


  1. Next time ask u to come along with me... i dono the way..haha!

  2. lol! foursquare checkin FTW! :) nice trip there wor

    Hope you didn't naughty naughty ya! :P

  3. LOL so funny lah the don't naughty naughty sigh :P 4sq check in is a must during travelling! HAHA

  4. Haha...foursquare! Later paparazzi follow your guys!

  5. the foursquare check-in part damn LOL

  6. i long time didnt go thailand already :DD miss it

    Latest: Crown of Pork Experience

  7. it's always the case, whenever you wana go through the immigration, you have to stuck in a long queue.

  8. Long time ago, I went border, just throw some money in the open drawer and the Thai immgration officer would just stamp your passport...and you could go through. Taxi driver told us to do this. Still like that or not?

  9. Eunice, haha sureee! =DDD who doesn't want to go with megan fox? XD

    Isaac, ofcoz i didnt, im such a good boy. =p

    Hilda Milda, hahaha yuppp! so busy to check-in and instagram rather than enjoying the scene. hahah

    Erika, haha is okay, im not superstar! =p

    nath, haha dont you do that?

    fishie, haha go again! =D

    anne, hmmm yeahhh. but malaysia one quite easy. =.=

    suituapui... i actually witnessed the same thing whereby that guy dont even have a passport but just a piece of paper or smtg. =.=

  10. Foursquare freaks! Yeap, I did the same things to while travelling. Leng chai, you forget give me the KK uncle driver's phone number =P. Hehehe ^^

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