Tuesday, June 25, 2013

iPad Mini Need to Wears too!

Well like the Chinese saying..

"A man is uplifted by his clothes 
uddha by gilding."

So does your iPad mini!
I'm sure most of you wouldn't mind buying a good casing.
But those cases can be really expensive and easily costs up to RM100++
Hence, it is a headache to buy a good one out of thousands and hundreds type of it!

Well, a good way to start is to know what style you are looking for!
This is one of the iPad mini cases that caught my attention.

Belt-Suit case for iPad Mini cover!

Who would ever thought that your iPad mini would needs a belt too? =p
And the function is the same as the belt you are wearing!
The elegant looking iPad mini cover is just so stylish isn't it? 

So which style you like? =D

Till Then. ;)


  1. Replies
    1. hahaha i know u would say that! is not like belt that buckle up one. but rather just those snap button! =D

  2. I love this casing, very modern looking!

  3. casing to protect your wife ar. LOL. should buy one le!

    1. loll wahhhh good u still remmeber those are my wife. hahaha

  4. the case given by friends is my favourite ipad mini case ;)

  5. tak suka la the one with belt... quite mafan actually. As long as it has front cover then it's fine to me :)

    1. hahaha so u are looking more for protection ;)

  6. Nice! Perfect for casual and work ;)

  7. cool.. feel free to check us out as well for iPad skins at http://www.iskino.com.my


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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