Saturday, June 29, 2013

Nuffnang Sponsored Post : Club Asahi Miami @ Soju Room, Penang Time Square

For the first time ever, Asahi Malaysia held a huge party in Penang!
As you know, Asahi Super Dry is the Japan's No.1 beer brand!
Read on and you will know how huge it is! 

Well, I am glad that I was invited by Nuffnang to go as a blogger!
And you know Nuffnang don’t give cheap things! =p

They gave me a pair of VIP Party Access! =D

Taadaaaa~~ VIP Party Access!
Party like a rockstar! #plar

Of course, you could also get the exclusive party invites! 
It's easy, just participate in their Asahi Malaysia Facebook Page’s game.
Here’s why I think Asahi Malaysia is being really generous!
Each winner can bring along another 3 friends to party.
And they could even get a Touch N Go card reloaded with RM100!

Seeee! So nice! Printed with Asahi’s own design!

Asahi held the party with the theme “Club Asahi Miami”.
They turned Soju Room in Penang Time Square into Club Asahi Miami, literally!
Starting with the red carpet from outside towards the entrance!

Big backdrop on the stage, two gorgeous models
and the crazy bright spot lights!
It’s hard not to feel like a rockstar! LOL

On the way towards the entrance, there was a small booth that caught our attention.
They were promoting about “Enjoy Responsibly…”!
I have to say that Carlsberg Malaysia is doing a great job!
(Asahi Malaysia is under Carlsberg Malaysia)

They were trying to increase the awareness.
There were game to play whereby you stand a chance to win the drunk-tester.
They even provide some of the ways to cure your drunkenness.

The so-called drunk-tester!
I’ve tested it for the first time of my life.
Hopefully I won’t have to test it anymore,
Especially if testing it thru the police. LOL

From top to bottom with all the non-branded one.

Asahi Malaysia also set up a lot of photo booths inside-out!
The quality of the photos taken is beyond expectation! =D

Party with the usual gang – bloggers and friends!

My new pretty friend – Suzanne! =D

Another backdrop to snap before entering the club!

Head straight to the upstairs!
*erhem erhem*
VIP mahhh what to do! LOL!!

Good thing to sit on top!
You can see almost everything! XD

Everything, I mean the stage and crowds. =p

Upstairs less people and even with sofa to sit!
So without wasting any time, bottoms up bottoms up!! =D

And probably you should know that it’s my favorite quote nowadays!

With the bloggers and friends.

Somehow I like this blur-photo!
At least you can’t see my drunk-face.

With two dai-ka-che! =D

Again, Asahi Malaysia was really generous.
They kept on refilling our bucket with bottles of Asahi Super Dry beer.
I just can’t stop drinking! =D
After getting ourselves high, then we moved on to downstairs!

It’s full of party people!

You get to see the performance real closed to the stage!
Seeee! Awesome right the lightman!

I wasn’t really concentrated in the performance.
That’s why I didn’t even get to snap a photo of the invited DJs. *guilty*
Well, forgive me as I was busy partying! >.<

Party with my colleague and ex-colleagues too!

Okay, maybe I was a little too drunk!

With 3 pretty bloggers! =D

Okay, maybe I was really drunk.
You can judge by my facial expression!
They were like: “okay, smile.”
And I was like:

Again, the bloggers, friends and I.

Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who’s prettiest of them all? =D

Probably you would think that I’m such an alcoholic.
No, I don’t usually drink! *InvitedOnlyGo*
But when I do, I drink like a boss! =D
Just like the song….

Work hard! Play hard! 
Keep partying like it your own job!

Besides, getting drunk is the only time I’m not a vampire.
Yes, my face only gets a little red when I drink.
Otherwise, I’m a vampire.
Some even said I’m like a drug addict. =.=

Lastly, thanks to Nuffnang and Asahi Malaysia again!
Hopefully there’re more parties to come! =D

Till then. ;)


  1. Look smart even top to bottom non brand. :D

    1. hehe thank you thank you. got brand la. just not those high end one. haha

  2. Replies
    1. haha is okay. different ppl different liking. ;)

  3. you look awesomely drunk in some photos . xD *SMILEEE* .

    1. hahaha let loose of myself mah. haha life is too tense ad. haha

  4. HAHAH if it's a night event, it's called OOTN instead of OOTD. Outfit of the night (x

    1. lollll. okayyy noted. ootn. haha what if i wear from morning till night? XD

  5. wah, with so many pretty girls.

    1. lol. i wish to use "with" but im not. just met them there. haha

  6. ahahhha :D you were drunk la bro.. seriously :DDD

  7. So nice to get invited to such an awesome party! ^^

  8. Henry, go hook up with one of them lar :D GOGOGO. since i always see you lament that you are single in FB..ahahahaha


    1. hahaha nahhh is okay. ;) i go for the drinks, not for the girl. =p

  9. Now I'm jealous! Hahaha!
    BTW, how u make those video-like photo ahhh?? Teach teach!

    1. haha dont jelly la =p
      those are gif picture format. ;)

  10. ur face looks very drunk, haha!

  11. wahhh so many leng lui.. u must be very happy partying !! hahaha

    1. haha aiyo takda you how to be happy partying! =p


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