Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Henry Tan - Multi-Identities at the Max @ IBlogMyWay

Hello! I know it has been a while since I last wrote about myself. *lifestyle blogger kononnya*
It's always about review, review and review.
So, perhaps now, this is a good time for a review of myself.

Life has always been busy, who isn't right?

You would probably know that I have started MBA recently.
Believe it or not, I have collected another badge!

Which explains why the title - Multi-Identities

Yes, at the maximum level! Give me some claps okay. XD
Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about identities disorder etc.
I know when I googled there isn't an exact meaning for this.

Latest addition - USM MBA Student Badge

Here's the list of my identities:
1. Engineer - Keysight Technologies (Formerly known as Agilent) Post 1, Post 2
2. Tourist Guide - Post 1
3. Associate Financial Planner / CFP Student - Post 1
4. USM MBA Student - I haven't write anything about this course yet LOL
5. Unit Trust Consultant - Post 1
6. Blogger - Post 1
7. Others - ERT, YE Adviser, many others Post 1, Post 2
8. Ops, not forget to mention as a son and a boyfriend *thank god they are understanding*

Remember what I wrote at the top? Everyone is busy.
But looking back at each and every posts of it, I'm glad I did it.
At least I know I'm not wasting any minute of my life doing nothing.
For those who know me well, I don't accept "busy" as an excuse.
Like I always said:

"No one is really busy, it's all about priority!"
"No time is just an excuse, unless you are a dying person."

And recently, I have learnt from a book:

"You will never, ever have enough time. 
Forget time management, get great at choice management instead."

How true is that isn't it?
Decide to do things that has an impact or value that will count in long term.

Then of course, you should know...

I am a man with BIG dream.

Just in case you do not know, here's the reminder - My Ambition. =p
Like what all the other great people will do, they announce their ambition.
They make it loud, they make it clear.
Of course, there are people that asked why would I chose such a tiring path.

I hope I did inspire you a little, even just for a while. ;)
Afterall, positive energy is very important to keep us going!
Yup that pretty much sum up this post!
I hope I will share what I have learned in MBA from time to time.

Ohya! 2014 is coming to an end.
Do check out your 2014 resolutions and see if you have finished what you plan.

Remember, dream without action is merely just a dream.

Stay tuned! =D


  1. Wow so talented! I used to think of being a multi-identity too but end up I don't have time at all. Haha


    1. haha well as long as you are good in whatever you are doing, that's all it matters ;)

  2. Hi!!! Long time to see. Glad to see you back at my blog.

    Wowwww!!!! Your life sure is happening! Glad all's great at your end. Tourist guide? Hmmm...I may need your service one of these days.

    1. You're doing your MBA right now? Good luck, all the best to you.

    2. yup! haha

      and also yup again! Thanks! =D

  3. Hi Henry. Thanks for leaving comment in my blog.

    We all have many identities from son, brother to co-worker, friend etc.

    All the best in your future undertakings.

  4. Being positive is important! haha! Hope you achieve your dreams. :D

    1. yup being positive is so important! thanks! =D

  5. hello , visit visit :) Thanks for visiting my blog. very nice blog you have here :)

  6. All the best to you! Enjoy your studying for your MBA!

  7. Hello fellow blogger and fellow PMB.... hehehe I am also with PMB in Bangsar branch..... huhuhu

    1. wow! hello PMB! haha guess you must top producer there huh? =D

  8. Woah you're so geng!! Tourist guide some more! XD

    1. haha come you need tourist guide find me ya =p

  9. Tourist guide is such a fun job! I recalled leading a tour once when I was in Australia with about 50 pax! I happened to be staying in Perth for couple of months & stood in for another tour guide. Hahaha!

    1. yup! you are absolutely right! I bet you are a good one! =D

  10. You are a very far sighted person. Positive Energy Is Indeed Very Important!

    1. thanks! sometimes i hope i would enjoy more of now too. haha

  11. Hi Henry,

    You have so many identity and I think it's great because we might learn different things and grow as we move on! =D


  12. Hi Henry,

    Welcome to USM MBA!
    I am USM MBA student as well and doing a survey on Penang Heritage Tourism. Please do help to fill up this form.

    Thank you very much in advance.


Thanks! Appreciate your feedback! ^^

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