Saturday, June 25, 2011

Google Chrome

Henry Tan | 4:27 PM |
Recently I realized that my Mozilla Firefox is running very slow in my netbook.
Especially after I opened a few more tabs.
I went Google-d about the solution for my problem.
I tried all the methods, some are kinda troublesome.
Until I read a post from

Guess what? The first solution given is....

"Why not use Chrome instead?"
I was like.... "Hmmm?"

Take a closed look at the last two line:
"If your netbook has 2GB of RAM, 
Chrome should be easily be your primary browser!"

I was like "Hell yeah! This is it!"
The download and install process are kinda quick and easy.
But something caught my attention.
Check this out!
"The pop up message after I finished installing Chrome!"
Check out the line... "Close all Firefox windows!"

Okay maybe this is a little lame,
But I did feel like...

"Wow, Chrome can't wait to perform?
Can't wait to replace Firefox? LOL "

Okay, I might sound a little silly now.

"I am satisfied with Chrome!"

No more lagging or unresponsive any more! Yay! =DDD
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  1. Chrome is faster! It's my only browser since i know it...haha=p

  2. Yea! I am using Chrome as my primary browser. Unfortunately, Chrome couldn't support somethings on blogger.

  3. Chrome sometime also hog a lot of system memory. But yes I do notice Firefox 4 and 5 are slower and slower and slower. But still cannot beat IE6/7/8, the slowest! :D

  4. Firefox may be heavy weight, but i am liking the way Firefox handles app tab compared to Chrome's pin tab.
    It recognizes the url you are visiting so you don't get your app tab yank out to a different page. It also stops you from accidentally closing it.
    But yeah Chrome is indeed blazing fast, hands down


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